The Balanced Living Journal

Practical information for busy women from Women's Success Coach Catherine Bruns. Visit me also at

Monday, May 22, 2006

Think Big, Write a Great Bio, and Parent like a Star

There's a theme in the title. Think you might know what it is?

If you've been paying attention to my 'Ask The Expert' series you'll recognize that these were the topics of the last three conversations that I had with notable Experts.

What?! You missed the Expert calls. Not to worry since they are now available for you to purchase as an audio download so that you can listen anytime to this knockout information.

Here's what Nancy said about '5 Discipline Strategies that Don't Involve Yelling, Nagging, or Spanking' with Barb Desmarais:

This teleforum was great! I hope that people who missed it will be able to buy a recording. You are a great interviewer Catherine and Barb has so much info! I want her to move in with me and perform Nanny 911 duties on a daily basis!! -- Nancy Marmolejo

Isabel Parlett's presentation on 'How to Write A Bio that Sings' garnered much praise:

This was my second teleclass with Isabel Parlett. Talk about content rich! I especially liked the idea of finding a theme that my life story illustrates. After the teleclass and for the remainder of my day, I felt really light and joyful. What I heard on the call resonated deep in my soul. -- Karen Hanna

I've been putting together a better bio (based on) the awesome teleconference. Thanks for letting me be a part of that. -- Liza Wacker

Thanks so much for the call with Isabel Parlett yesterday. Her advice on writing a bio was invaluable. I am delighted I was able to participate. --Rayna Schroeder

And, lets not forget my podcast parner extraordinaire, Nancy Marmolejo's 7 Secrets to Big Picture Thinkers. We didn't have any live guests, so no audience feedback, but take my word for it, these 7 Secrets are indispensable for the game of life and Nancy is a Big Picture genius!


At 11:06 AM, Blogger Paige Kearin said...

This is so great your all about helping women be sane! Rock on.

At 6:04 PM, Blogger Catherine Bruns said...

Thanks Paige. I do have a mission to see women be whole, satisfied and full of zest and juice.


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