The Balanced Living Journal

Practical information for busy women from Women's Success Coach Catherine Bruns. Visit me also at

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

FYB #2 - Peace and Quiet!

When was the last time you were quiet enough to hear yourself think? A lot of women have busy lives because of multiple responsibilities, but sometimes women have a hard time with just being quiet.

I was watching an episode of Supernanny (see post below) and the busy Mom was instructed to take some time to 'put her feet up', while her family did chores. She couldn't figure out what to do with herself. She was caught folding laundry and summarily sent out of the house so she would just quit doing stuff.

Is that you? Are you failing to fill your own bucket by passing up opportunities to give yourself some peace and quiet?

Peace and quiet fills our bucket in so many different ways. We become much more able to hear our own wise voice and make clear and powerful choices. We can access our creativity and really spice up our life. We can ask ourselves what we really want and actually hear the answer.

There are lots of ways for busy women to get some peace and quiet:
  • schedule a day, night, weekend away - by yourself!
  • turn the radio off when you're in the car alone
  • take a walk by yourself
  • lock yourself in the bathroom
  • put time on the family schedule just for you
  • train others - your family perhaps! - to leave you alone at a certain time
  • meditate (more about this in a later post)

A busy mom I know keeps books in every bathroom in her house. She makes her bathroom breaks stretch a bit and enjoys a bit of peace behind the locked door.

What do you do for peace and quiet? Post it in the comments.

If you're a 'human doer' more than a 'human be-er', then pick one from list above and give it a try. You may be a bit uncomfortable at first. Keep it up - make it a habit. You deserve a full bucket!


At 8:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everybody was suprisingly out of the house..even my lifetime son and companion. So I went out too! A little shopping, walking( a few whistles and hawlers) and some lunch. Bonded with another wahine and I was brand new. This never happens.....but it happened today.


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