The Balanced Living Journal

Practical information for busy women from Women's Success Coach Catherine Bruns. Visit me also at

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Dreamboards- Visual Inspiration

Remember collages? Your elementary school teacher sat you down with a pair of safety scissors, a jar of paste with instructions not to eat it, and a pile of magazines, and off you went to create your masterpiece of cut outs.

As grown ups we have graduated to scissors with points, and are no longer tempted by paste (hopefully!), but collages still come in handy - they're just called dreamboards now.

Dreamboard, huh? If you're not familiar, a dreamboard is an inspirational visual image representing your dream, future, vision, or goal. Often a dreamboard is put together as a collage, but it certainly can take other forms.

I've created a few of my own dreamboards. The first one I did was when I began my own business. My intention for this creation was to have a visual guidance and inspriational focus as a I walked into a new part of my life. Here's what I came up with

Then I outgrew that one and created a new one that focused on the growing aspects of my business and how it all fit together into my life as a whole

Just to give you another example, here's a dreamboard that one of my group participants put together (of course she gave me permission!).

Are you ready to create your own dreamboard? Here's how -

Gather a pile of magazines - often the library has ones for free.
Get a piece of posterboard and a glue stick.
Set your intention - what is the focus of this dreamboard?
Go through the magazines rather rapidly and simply rip out those images and words that strike you. Don't try to make sense of them, just rip.
Lay out all your pieces to get a sense of the whole.
Begin to place the cut outs on your posterboard and rearrange them until it feels satisfying to you and then glue them in place.

Voila! Dreamboard created. I usually hang mine above the altar I have in my office. I look at it almost daily and if I meditate during the day, that's where I end up. This is an intuitive process, so let your inner self be the guide and let her have some fun!


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