The Balanced Living Journal

Practical information for busy women from Women's Success Coach Catherine Bruns. Visit me also at

Friday, April 14, 2006

Life Lessons from American Inventor

I like reality shows. Not all of them, but being a people person I'm always curious what other people are up to. And, I've come to realize that you actually can learn a lot from other peoples' public successes and miserable failures.

So, when American Inventor came on the scene I tuned in to see what folks' creative minds were cooking up. Wowie! I had no idea that so many people out there were passionately creating such interesting things. Some are kooky, but others are downright fabulous. More power to the creative genius of the American public!

However, there are some really disturbing stories about people who simply cannot let go of an idea that isn't great or is, simply put, stupid. Some contestants have given up savings, retirement, houses, marriages, children, and in one case even a kidney to pursue what they see to be as their dream.

Come off it people - don't give up your family, your health, your relationships, your home, or your security for a dream!

Having a dream is great - we all need them and we all have them. But, how do we know when to give up on pursuing a dream?

Here's what I think. Give it up or switch gears when your dream becomes your life and your life becomes your dream to the exclusivity of all else. When you are placing all hope on something to be realized in the future then you completely ignore the present and life just passes you by. It's kind of like gambling, the prize is out there, it might be yours, but if you're playing a game with long odds then you may want to refocus on the prize that's in front of you right now - your life.

Dream away people, but don't forget that there is a lot of life all around you that is real, right now. Dreams are fabulous, necesary and a part of our life - not our whole life.

American Inventors - listen to what others say. If your dream invention is great the applause will be resounding. But, if your life is slipping away because of your dream, then it's time to live now and dream later.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

The Paul Principle - Are you Ready for Opportunity?

I am a believer in creating the best you possible and that means regularly looking for your life lessons and evolving on purpose. And, most of the time that's what you get here in The Balanced Living Journal. Balanced living means all parts of your life supporting the best you possible.

So, I was tickled when I read Andrea Lee's blog today which is focused on The Paul Principle, meaning: In any given business, the growth of the business will rise or fall to the level of the business owner's personal development.

She shared a great story as an example of how we can have fantastic ideas, help banging at our front door, yet the opportunity passes us by because we have not yet done the work we need to grab opportunity in the moment.

But, I don't think this is just related to business. I think we can apply the Paul Principle to our lives in general. So - I alter this principle a bit to read: In any person's life the feeling of satisfaction and success is directly related to the person's personal developement.

Maybe we can call it the Catherine Principle.

Yes, focus on your business skills, yes, focus on your parenting skills, yes focus on learning new things that make the world better - but please don't forget about honing your greatest tool - you!

What opportunity has passed you by simply because you were not ready? A great relationship, the perfect job, a delicious adventure? Work on you now - don't wait until you have to.

Defintiely read Andrea's blog - not only this post, but others. She's smart, she's funny, and she always has something great to say - whether you're a coach or not.

Andrea makes an offer in her blog to send you the Clean Sweep - a fantastic tool to help you determine what's working great in your life and what you can clean up a bit. I use the Clean Sweep all the time with my clients - get it from Andrea, or get it from me, but get it and take it. It's a great tool to know where you stand in your life.

Send me an email at with Clean Sweep in the subject and I'll be happy to send you a copy.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

The Scary Leap from Corporate Secure to Entrepeneur Free!

Maybe you've done it already, or maybe you're just sitting in your cubicle dreaming about it. No, I'm not talking about a date with your personal McDreamy, I'm talking about your leap from employee to entrepreneur!

I did it two years ago and most of my clients either have just made the leap or are teetering on the edge looking at the ground so far far below.

It can be a scary thing, but there is so much excitement, possiblity and freedom in becoming your own boss and seeing your own dream come to fruition.

In her blog Escape From Cubicle Nation (cute, yeah?) Pamela Stewart shares three things that we definitely leave behind when we leave the security of our corporate lives.

Transition and change always involve leaving behind and gaining something new. As you consider leaping into the wide world of being an entrepreneur take a look at your whole picture - not just the fact that you'll be able to work in your sweats and won't have to listen to someone's crackly pop station radio all day.

You definitely have to weigh the pros and cons for yourself. Know your values and what's important to you. If your primary value is freedom, like mine is, then at best being an employee will never feel completely satisfying, at worst it will feel like a straightjacket. But, if you are a person who values steadiness and security, then the entrepreneur road is going to be a rocky one for you and corporate life may be your satisfaction ticket.

There is value in the adage, look before you leap. Just be sure that you're looking inside as well as out.

Photo from: Don Getty

Monday, April 03, 2006

Write a Bio that Sings! - A Complimentary Teleforum with Isabel Parlett

Does Your Bio Tell a Story?

Join the 'Ask the Expert' fr*ee teleforum presented by Balanced Life Coaching and learn from Isabel Parlett - a women who's words rock the world. You'll come away with a bio that sizzles.

Monday, April 10 - 11:00 Hawaiian, 2:00 Pacific, 5:00 Eastern

Register at

Most business owners struggle to write their bios and worry about what to include. And let's face it: most bios are dull, listing facts, or sounding braggy, without ever giving a good sense of the person its about. Join business communication expert, Isabel Parlett, to learn the basics of putting together a moving, revealing bio that not only shares your vital information, but also makes clear how your life connects you to the material you share.

And to see how Isabel puts her own skills into action - here's her bio:

Isabel Parlett has spent her life exploring how words connect us to ourselves and each other. A former professional actress (who spoofed Shakespeare in a mud pit), she learned first hand that touching people and teaching them requires the same skills.

An early adopter of coaching, Isabel was the 199th person to enroll at Coach University and one of the first forty people to be awarded the Master Coach Certification by the International Coach Federation. A popular teleclass leader at Coach U, Isabel gives presentations on the power of language that are always original, provocative, and energizing. She formed her company, Parlance Training to teach visionaries and innovators how to find the words they need to rock the world. Learn more about Isabel at

It's fr*e*e, but you do need to register at