The Balanced Living Journal

Practical information for busy women from Women's Success Coach Catherine Bruns. Visit me also at

Friday, June 03, 2005

Painlessly subscribe - don't miss a thing!

I'm really glad you're here reading The Balanced Living Journal (BLJ). If you're already subscribed, then a huge thank you! If you're not because you just don't know how, then read on for a simple lesson in keeping up with the bloggers.

Subscribe? Why subscribe? Well, let me count the ways:

  • you don't miss a thing since each new morsel of tantalizing BLJ information is automatically delivered straight to your electronic doorstep
  • no more searching through Favorites or Bookmarks to find the BLJ or your latest and favorite blog
  • you can be the first to comment on a great or controversial article - you could start a revolution!
  • it's about convenience - this is recurrent delivery with only one request
  • there's nothing to lose - you can unsubscribe with one simple click

Here's a super easy way to painlessly subscribe - and I've even included a link to a great video you can watch if, like many, you're a visual learner.

  1. If you don't already have one, get a account. You can do this at and just open a free email account. You don't have to use it if you don't want to.
  2. You're going to create a home page at - if you're a confident sort, then just go ahead and open that up and play around 'till you figure it out. If you want a bit of hand holding, info-maniac biz coaches JP and Deb Micek at Business Owners Coaching Club have created a great video tutorial that will teach you step by step (with some extra info thrown in). The video is just 17 minutes long - you can do that, right?! Go to Once you're done, you probably want to subscribe to their great blog too!
  3. So, see that little orange XML box on the right side, under Archives? Follow the video's instructions and right click on it to open the gobblty-gook, highlight the URL address in the address bar and add it to your

Painless - right? Technology is great. If you don't quite get this, no worries. Just keep checking things out and finding your own interest. For most of us it's not about being the leader of the pack, but about finding the pack that works for us.

Were you successful in subscribing? Let's hear your comments. Any other blogs you found out there that you like?


At 2:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Catherine, subscribed to your blog today... ^-^
Another tool to use is
Easy to sign up and super easy to use.

At 8:28 AM, Blogger Catherine Bruns said...

Thanks Leslie!! is exactly where this blog lives! Love it. You're right - it is super easy.


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