PYL #4 - Energy Wasters - Bad Habits
We all have bad habits. And, I define bad habits as those things we regularly do that don't serve our best interest or higher good. If you read the article in Living in Balance, then you will have already made a list of your bad habits. If you didn't read this article, then go ahead and make a list right now.
So, how do bad habits affect your energy? It's like watering a weed. Your energy is being diverted to watering the weed, so you don't have much left over to water the flowers, herbs and vegetables.
One of my bad habits lately has been to watch more TV than normal. I've been keeping an eye on it, but I've also realized that I'm watching TV partly to avoid doing some other stuff that is perplexing me. So, my time is being spent on TV and my energy is being spent on being anxious about not getting the things done that I want, so I actually don't have the energy to do them. Rather a wicked circle, but one that I'm changing right now. I don't want weeds in my garden!
Is your garden full of weeds? Then, lets put on the gardening gloves, get out the tools and weed whack!
Here's how you do it.
- Ask 2 questions about your habit: How does this habit/action serve me? & What is it that I really want / need?
- Then, make a choice about whether you want to continue your habit or grow something new.
- Take some action - towards your new action or habit that will better serve you.
- Get some help if you need it.
Habits can come in many shapes and sizes and likely you will have to whack down a few big weeds that are crowding your garden. These big ones are often easier when you get help. Go to a counselor, a coach, a treatment program, a hypnotist, a pastor, or whatever you need to get the help to eliminate a big weed from your garden.
How have you handled bad habits? Are you still struggling? How do your bad habits affect the rest of your life?
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