The Balanced Living Journal

Practical information for busy women from Women's Success Coach Catherine Bruns. Visit me also at

Friday, March 18, 2005

FYB #6 - Indulge Yourself

Indulgence gets a bad rap. Some think it is sinful or selfish or narcisistic if we choose to indulge ourselves. And it is, if that's all we do. But think of the last time you felt the deep rich experience of a satisfied pleasure. Languish in that and consider that you may want to bring more of it to your life.

There is no better way to be reminded of the power and beauty of indulgence than to watch the movie 'Chocolat', which is just what I did tonight. Perhaps you've already seen it. Indulge yourself and watch it again. The sweetness of this movie will simply melt in your mouth like a bite of a creamy dark chocolate seashell.

The wise woman in this lovely movie tells her grandson, 'don't be so concerned about the supposed to's.' Isn't that sage advice for us all?

What are you doing in your life that feel like a supposed to? What is it that you really want? If you were to indulge yourself, what would it be?
  • a long afternoon nap
  • the pursuit of a dream
  • fulfilling a sensual desire
  • having coffee in bed in the morning
  • languishing in silk pajamas
  • sipping fine champage from a beautiful crystal glass
  • dancing the night away
  • hiring a cleaning person
Really! What would it be? Name it. Now do it - or begin to work on it. You deserve to indulge yourself. You indulge everyone else, don't you?

Fill your bucket - indulge yourself.


At 12:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Catherine,
I do indulge my chocolate since I love it -but not all the time, of course! I actually have been eating some chocolate truffles that have organic ingredients so it felt right. I have watched the movie "Chocolat" and it's wonderful!

Supposed tos? Hmmm, the grocery shopping always feels like a "supposed to" but then it's also a need, LOL! I'm doing what I want to be doing these days and it feels right. I'm FINALLY sharing natural wellness with people who want to care for their pets naturally. I feel I've finally come home!

Kim Bloomer

At 1:01 PM, Blogger Catherine Bruns said...

Mmmmmm.... chocolate truffles, what a delight and organic to boot!

So glad to hear that you're doing what you want to be doing - that certainly fills your bucket.

At 6:42 PM, Blogger ginabad said...

Indulgence is underrated. We are a society of people who do without, leaving ourselves spiritually and emotionally undernourished.

Indulgence can BE SO simple - a walk, a cuppa tea, a few lines of poetry, a hot bath (or foot soak if you're pregnant!). My favorite is candle meditation, which I learned in a spiritual group. Hadn't done it in a LONG time, and it really revitalized me last week!


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