Women Leaders
I was standing in line at the grocery the other day and, as usual, scanning the magazines - yes, even those kooky tabloids - when my eyes landed on Newsweek with Oprah on the cover - titled, When Women Lead.
Am I just seeing it everywhere or are women's issues beginning to take front and center?
One of my big theories as to what is going on with us women these days is that there has been such tremendously rapid cultural change for us in just the last 50 years, that we really don't have the role models to help us know how to be strong, and true, and full of ourselves - in the good way. Think about it, we went from June Cleaver, to braids and burning bras, to power suits with shoulder pads, to where we are now - which is kind of a mix of all of them.
Well, I think we do have role models now. I saw them in Newsweek. Of course there is Oprah for me. But, we are diverse and we need a multitude of role models. Check out the issue, you may find a woman who inspires you.
We all need inspriration.