Days at the Conference

I just spent the last week in CA at the International Coach Federation conference and visiting my family. It was pure pleasure developing friends and connections and luxuriating in the relationship of those who know me well.
Because I'm here on this Pacific island doing business all by myself, I was stunned at the sheer mass of coaches at the 10th annual ICF conference. There were 1752 of us there and we filled a huge ballroom at lunch. Oh, I belong! I was suprised that this sense of belonging impacted me so heavily, but it makes sense. I do everything over the phone or online and to actually be in the physical presence of others in my profession somehow made it real for me. Very cool!
The other super cool part of the conference was meeting my coach pal Nancy Marmolejo. If you listen to our podcast - Coaching A Go Go, then you know Nancy and I were looking forward to meeting at the ICF. Meeting Nancy was like meeting a best friend and just picking up the conversation where we left off last week. What a joy! Here's our pic - aren't we cute? Nancy is in fact much taller than me and so I made her crouch so I didn't look like a dwarf!

I also was invited to be a guest blogger at The Blog Squad Live, which was great fun! I got to meet several fabulous folks as a result of that. Denise Wakeman and Patsi Krakoff, the pink babes behind The Blog Squad put this together and they were both a total delight! They are in the photo at the top of the page.
You just can't underestimte the power of community.
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