Quote for the Year
Albert Camus, The Rebel
Practical information for busy women from Women's Success Coach Catherine Bruns. Visit me also at www.coachbalance.com
Was 2005 a firecracker year, or the year that fizzled? Did you accomplish the goals you set out for yourself and your business? Did you even have goals?
I was participating in an online networking holiday party this weekend over at the International Virtual Womens Chamber of Commerce, and the subject of exercise and how it affects business came up.
Are you making your list and checking it twice? If the latest techno-gadget, or Wal-Mart trendy toy is not your idea of a holiday gift, consider these options.
You want your holiday season to be filled with ho, ho, ho - not #*^!@. So before you completely decorate the tree, pour the first eggnog, unpack the menorah, and plan your gift list, read this article to fill your holidays with jolly.