The Balanced Living Journal

Practical information for busy women from Women's Success Coach Catherine Bruns. Visit me also at

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Using Your Car as Your Organizer

My client Suzanne recently informed me of her new system for keeping herself organized. Since we really learn a lot from each other, here's how Suzanne is taking a potentially difficult situation and making it work for her:

"Here's something that I've recently implemented: Remember how I told you that my front seat of my car is my "office"? Well, it was always cluttered with "my life". . .papers with ideas, receipts, bills, papers of business I needed to call, etc. Well, I was getting tired of having it all hodge podgey on the front seat, and then scrambling to move it all to the back seat when I had a front seat passenger, so I got an "office organizer". It's a red canvas basket, normally used for grocery shopping for just a few items and eliminating the need for using the store's bags. I love it!!! I keep everything in it, and once a week or so, I'll go through it and take care of whatever needs attention. I can't believe how something so simple has made me feel SO MUCH better about being organized."

So there you go! You really can organize from your car. Just goes to show you that it's all about creating a system that works for your life, not making your life fit someone else's system.

Whaddya think?


At 10:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Catherine,

I loved your post on organizing your car-- I mentioned it on my Blog with a few tips. Check it out--


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