The Balanced Living Journal

Practical information for busy women from Women's Success Coach Catherine Bruns. Visit me also at

Thursday, January 12, 2006

The Power of a Compliment

You know that one of my daily actions is to compliment someone and that this hasn't rolled as naturally as I thought it would.

Well, earlier this week a person called me from an organzation that I have donated to in the past, asking if I would again give a contribution.

I normally do not respond well to these phone calls. I feel like it's just not a 'real' conversation and that I am simply the blanks in the script that the person is reading from.

That was not the case with this phone call. Though I'm sure this woman had some type of script, she was natural and energetic and obviously very enthused about the cause she was calling about.

I of course said I would donate again and then told her that she was very good at this work, a natural. I could tell that this compliment had a big impact on her from her response to me and at the end of our call she said that I had made her day.

Isn't that what we want to do, is make someone's day?

My guess is that she continued to spread good feeling to the rest of the people that she talked to that day, and I know that I sure did.

So, here's the challenge. Go out over these next few days and consciously give sincerere and heartfelt compliments to as many people as you can. Then, let us know how it has impacted your world. I'm sure it will be great.


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