The Balanced Living Journal

Practical information for busy women from Women's Success Coach Catherine Bruns. Visit me also at

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Getting Organized and Staying that Way

Are you organized? What does that mean anyway? It really means many different things to different people with different levels of tolerance, but the key issue with organization is energy. How does your level of organization help you preserve your energy for more important things in life? Or, on the other hand, how much of your energy is leaking (or pouring) out of you because you can’t find the important document you need, miss deadlines, can’t keep track of appointments, not to mention your keys, have late charges because your bills go in late, and on and on. Disorganization can be a huge energy drain, but unless you have a compulsive hoarding problem, the news is good - you can tackle your disorganization and increase your energy!

Read the rest of this article
in my August edition of Living in Balance.


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