The Balanced Living Journal

Practical information for busy women from Women's Success Coach Catherine Bruns. Visit me also at

Friday, August 12, 2005

Paralyzing Perfection

I just heard Maria Shriver say something brilliant:

"Well behaved women never make history"

What she means by this is that when you are afraid of making a mistake, then you become paralyzed and your gifts do not become a part of the world.

How does fear of making a mistake get in your way? Do you feel like you need to be perfect?

Sometimes us women feel that if we 'misbehave' then we are labelled in an unflattering way. Perhaps, that is so.

Think about the women you admire and why. Did they ever make a mistake in order to bring their gift to the world. Probably.

We all make mistakes. And, our mistakes can be our greatest teachers and our greatest gifts.

If fear is stopping you from acting in the world on your deepest heart's desire, you're denying the rest of us your gift.


At 10:12 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Great Point of View Catherine!

I absolutly agree!


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