The Balanced Living Journal

Practical information for busy women from Women's Success Coach Catherine Bruns. Visit me also at

Friday, August 12, 2005

TV Makeovers

I've mentioned before, I looooovvve reality TV. I guess it's the voyeur in me and why I choose as my profession to work with people - I get to peer into their personal living rooms!

So I admit it. I like makeover shows. Not those 'extreme' shows where the person comes out on the other end completely unrecognizable to their family and friends, but the ones where the makeoveree is enhanced and polished to their truest potential. What I like is watching a person go through a process that allows them to really step into themselves and match their inside with their outside.

It makes me teary to see this shiny polished person stand in front of the mirror and say 'now I feel like me' or 'I was so scared to do this and now I feel like a million bucks'. What a release! What a joy to be acknowledged as a person who is important enough to take the time to look great!

The point is not to make YOU different, it's to make YOU the best you can possibly be. Not such a bad goal is it?

You deserve to be your best. How's that going to happen for you?


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